€10,71 €11,90

SKU: 5060147721652
18 laos olemas, saatmiseks valmis

GTECHNIQ C6 Matt Dash AB 100ml

C6 Matte Dash is specifically designed to protect dashboard and door card materials including vinyl, plastics and rubberised finishes.
The coating adds abrasion resistance and UV protection to treated surfaces. And with added antimicrobial technology, treated surfaces kill 99.9% of bacteria.

C6 will not affect the gloss of your cars trim and leaves a natural feel.
This product should not be used to protect suede, nubuck or any fibrous finishes.

How To:

- Shake well before use and wear gloves
- Preclean areas to be coated with a microfibre cloth and Gtechniq I2 Tri-Clean
- Make sure the surface is thoroughly dry before using C6
- Spray C6 Matte Dash directly on to an AP3 Foam Filled Applicator and wipe onto surface evenly
- Remove residue with a clean MF1 ZeroR Microfibre Buff Cloth
- Store in a cool, dry place
- For optimum protection reapply C6 every 4 months
- Use within 12 months of opening.

C6 ei mõjuta teie auto viimistluse läiget ja jätab loomuliku tunde.Seda toodet ei tohi kasutada seemisnaha, nubuki või mis tahes kiulise viimistluse kaitsmiseks.


- Enne kasutamist loksutada korralikult ja kanda kindaid

- Puhastage eelnevalt põhjalikult mikrokiudriidega ja Gtechniq I2 Tri-Clean-iga.

- kuivatage enne pind korralikult enne C6 kasutamist

- Pihustage C6 Matte Dash otse AP3 vahuga täidetud aplikaatorile ja pühkige pinnale ühtlaselt

- Eemaldage jäägid puhta MF1 ZeroR mikrofiibrist Buff lapiga

- Hoida jahedas ja kuivas kohas

- Optimaalse kaitse tagamiseks kandke C6 uuesti iga 4 kuu järel

- Kasutage 12 kuu jooksul pärast avamist.